
Oxygenator is a small, simple RAM monitor, that was one of the first apps to support skins; you're able to design your own interface for it. It sits at your desktop as a small indicator, but has a details screen too. Free, for Windows 9x, 2k and XP.

Bringing up the preferences with let you choose a skin/scheme and set some advanced options.

Skin support was only in with the last releases, versions 2.x. Support for skinning the details view came in with version 2.02. Before skin support though, the app was highly configurable allready. You could choose a background and bar image from a predefined set, make different combinations and the options displayed above were already present.

Even before Oxygenator there was MemSniffer. You can already see what LiON had in mind, but the definite Mac look wasn't present yet.

../Version history

We've got a couple of old releases in our archives - 1.63, 1.71/2, 2.01 - for those interested, and if you've got more, please send!

Bar becomes movable.

1.3 » 1.6
Themes added and bug fixes.

Support for NT.

Fixed detail view on NT.

Always on top bug fixed when use detail view. No more resize on the detail view with NT. Detail view display updated on NT.

Skin support added. New preferences dialog, with new features to place the bar on the screen.

Tool tip on taskbar with memory details added.

Details view now skinnable, text color can be customized.