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Submit news

Virtual Plastic isn't exactly anyone's news resource on customizing matters, but there may be some items you consider worthwhile to put on the front page here, like a cool tool (fitting the format) not featured here, essential updates, interesting info, etc. If it's fitting the format, we'll have it posted soon.



We don't wanna waste your time, here's what we usually do/don't put up:

  • VP is no news site, news in itself is meant to announce something is added to the backpages (thus acts as a news post anyway, but feel the difference ?). Means we're only posting about significant updates to applications, skip the rest while the app is listed as it is already. This ofcourse is highly subjective, which is the way we like it to be :),
  • You noted the subtitle up front, "tweaks and links to change the look" ? We kinda stick to that, not strict, but tools to clean up your internet history are found elsewhere.
  • Shareware, that's ok, but stuff that gets done by freeware apps too, sorry..,
  • Please, yes, it's not all about applications. Tweaks, icons, that weird tool that can help with, some great site, all welcome!
  • Personal art sites we don't put in news, mostly, but if you want those added to links pages, this form is as good as an email, so go ahead :).
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